Christians For Paganism
We Believe


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Our system of beliefs are of the most ancient in the world, yet, they seem to still be the most relevant ideas, today more than ever!

Statement of Faith

WE Believe that all matter, whether living or not, is connected in an a spiritual chain of physicality which stems from God, the rock which is the world.
WE Believe that to God alone should one focus their mental, and physical strengths.
WE Believe that the words of the prophets, from Abraham till Motza'a, are true and open to relevant interpretation.
WE Believe that no person should be persecuted, nor should innocent people be unjustly hurt.
WE Believe that God is a three-part physical rock, with no parralel in this world.
WE Believe that the ulitmate redeption will come for all of God's creations when this divine truth is recognized and accepted by all of God's creatures.
WE Believe that the only true sin is to shun the truth and to hurt the earth, which is God in the flesh.
WE Believe that God rewards those who love and serve him with the knowledge that they will be absorbed into his rock-state, to lie motionless with him forever.

What We Stand For:

WE stand for the belief that we
  • are all under the authority of God and His word
  • all desire to honor the Rock of the World and that
  • we are all dependent upon the enabling power of the Holy Dirt, from which we stem.

    We commit to the following core values:

    • Direct Human evangelism as our priority
    • An Religious lifestyle of availablitity, vulnerability and mobility
    • Striving for excellence in all that we do
    • Deploying only front-line missionaries who are pagan or married to pagans
    • Principle-based operations and practice
    • Accountablity to our mission family and the body of the Rock
    • Integrity and faithfulness
    • Creativity in our staff
    • Stepping our in courageous faith and takind risks for God

    Please talk to us:

    WE Believe!!

    We will no longer be stepped on!

    At last,
    Gentile and Jew can unite on Common Ground.
    On the only true belief...
    the belief in the Holy Lord...
    The Rock of the World!

    Thank You; Come Again!
    Thank You; Come Again!